
Amulets And Their History


How long there is a person on Earth, so much is his desire to protect himself from all sorts of misfortunes. And if food, fire and reliable shelter were saved from cold, hunger and wild beasts, only mascots, spells and protective amulets of manual work could protect the evil witchcraft, spells and spells.


What is an amulet? The form and appearance for each people, and for each person can be different - a stone with inscribed runes on it, an ornament with sacred inscriptions, a belt, a pendant or a carved figurine. But the essence of the amulet from the bone is always one - to protect the owner, to drive away evil spirits, to ward off the evil eye.


The history of amulets goes back to ancient times - even Pliny noted the presence of talismans among contemporaries (although, then they were considered only means against poison). The origin of the word "amulet" is a controversial issue. Some believe that it originated from the Arabic "wear", others consider a derivative of the Latin phrase "reflection of the spell." Be that as it may, for the savage savage, and for the man of the twenty-first century, the talisman is an important thing that can drive away trouble and bring happiness.

Modern and ancient amulets.

From the amulets, in fact, there was also costume jewelry - putting on earrings, necklaces and bracelets for beauty today, we do not even think that thousands of years ago our ancestors used this kind of protection. Whiskey, neck, wrists are the places where the pulse is most marked, where life trembles. And at the same time it is the most easily accessible areas for witchcraft. That's why they needed to be protected. Formerly, the function of the amulet was performed by simple leather bandages and straps, over time, for aesthetic reasons, they were transformed into beads and pendants, and now the body jewelry represents real works of art.

In our age of universal introduction of progress and development of science, people who believe in talismans and amulets from the bone are less and less common, but it can not be denied that we are not powerful over our destiny, we are ruled by higher forces - good or evil.

Among other things, this is one of the most common gifts. Amulets can be bought, practically, in any souvenir shop. They are worn on the hands, neck, on klyuchah.Byt can, it is worth thinking about this and carrying around even a tiny amulet - just for luck ...

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