
Adenoids in the child: treatment

Adenoids or polyps - this is the growth of the third pharyngeal tonsil located in the nasopharynx on its base. Adenoids most often appear in children, but can occur in adults and even in the elderly. But the most common are adenoids in a child, treating them for a long time.

The causes of adenoids are:
- Deviations at the birth of a child in the lymphatic and endocrine systems, inherited from parents (decreased thyroid function and frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes);
- malnutrition (overfeeding of children);
- the effect of viruses on the adenoid tissue.

Complicated is the disease - adenoids in a child, treating them very seriously. First of all, you need to focus on the symptoms.

Symptoms are:
- Nasal breathing, runny nose. Breathing with the mouth leads to a violation of the base of the skeleton of the face, lengthening of the upper jaw, changing the location of the teeth (the upper incisors protrude forward). Adenoid type of face is formed;
- a violation of the circulation of the nasal mucosa, which leads to sinusitis (sinusitis of the maxillary sinuses). Prolonged breathing with the mouth leads to the development of chicken chest and anemia;
- breathing with the mouth can lead to frequent tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis. The voice becomes nasal, loses its sonority. Sleep is accompanied by snoring;
- the progress of children is reduced (weakening of memory, attention, frequent headache);
- as a result of an increase in adenoids, ear ventilation is impaired;
- manifestation of adenoids is enuresis (bedwetting) and attacks of bronchial asthma. This is due to the defeat of mucous respiratory organs and even the nervous system. "How to cure adenoids in children?" - this issue worries parents of children who have fallen ill.

Adenoids in a child, treatment

All medications for the treatment of adenoids should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. After examining the child, the doctor can prescribe the removal of adenoids surgically (as a result of the large size of the adenoids or if they are located in the narrow nasopharynx). After the operation, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the patient's room: frequent airing, a balanced diet, frequent walks in the fresh air. It is very important not to overheat the air in the room where the sick child is.

Adenoids in a child, treatment of folk medicine

There is a folk remedy for the treatment of this disease: instill of oak decoction, but this treatment is not so effective. You can try to lubricate the nasal mucosa with badger fat.

How to treat adenoids if they are started? Only under the strict supervision of an ENT doctor - this will be told to you in any clinic.


Among preventive measures to prevent the appearance of adenoids:

- the child should have a rational regime of the day and a healthy diet;
- Watch for the duration of sleep (in children under 10 years of sleep lasts 10-11 hours, 11-15 years - 9-10 hours);
- Reduce, or even exclude the long viewing of the TV, a long sitting at the computer and listening to the radio, long reading;
- to monitor the cleanliness of linen, housing and personal hygiene;
- to strengthen the children's organism with vitamins of group A, B, C and E which are, for example, in black currant, carrots, cabbage, etc .;
- Tempering the child: frequent walks in the fresh air (in appropriate weather clothes), water procedures (dousing, wet wiping). It is necessary to follow that the child does various physical exercises, which are the basis for the development and formation of a strong child's body;
- timely treatment of infectious diseases, especially chronic, and even dental caries.

Often there are times when you seem to need to operate adenoids, but after a while they disappear. This is the case when immunity has grown stronger and lymphoid tissue "realized" that it is not necessary to grow further. Watch that the child takes vitamins and was more often in the open air, then it will be easier to temper it and develop the ability to resist illnesses.

After all, the most important thing for every parent is to grow your child healthy and strong.

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