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15 "toxic" emotions, which should be discarded in order to become happy

Everyone wants to be happy. To become a happy person, you need to understand what emotions prevent you from feeling better, and learn how to convert them into positive ones. Here are fifteen most common "toxic" emotions that can spoil your life. It's time to defeat them and finally find happiness.


Constant anxiety can be associated with a sense of threat and insecurity. This sensation affects the body and psyche, prevents you from feeling confident and causes depression. It can manifest itself through fear, inability to concentrate, loss of confidence and insomnia. It is very difficult to refuse excitement, nevertheless you have to start fighting against such a state. Identify the source of your experiences. Try to spend every week of time physical activity and surround yourself with people who look at life positively. All this will help you forget about the negative.

Constant melancholy

If you yearn, you become ill and sad, you are tormented by regrets. Such a state can affect your perception and your speech, and also prevent you from making decisions. Anguish paralyzes, in fact, it can affect your loved ones, and your future. To get rid of depression, focus on positive memories that inspire you to fight problems in the present. Remember that in life there are circumstances that are completely independent of you. You need to learn to reconcile with them.

Chronic dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction poisons life, if it is present in it constantly. Sometimes frustration can help to become better, but constant displeasure forces a person to strive for an ideal goal that does not exist in reality. Learn to accept yourself who you are, do not try to meet other people's ideals. Understand that negative thoughts and feelings are also important. Learn from your mistakes and leave them behind in the past.


If someone else is constantly manipulating you and forcing you to think about yourself not in the best way, you are suffering. You begin to feel that you can not achieve anything. You become dependent, you do not feel safe and do not believe in yourself. Convince yourself that your plans and goals are a priority for you. Learn to resolve conflicts on your own and acknowledge mistakes. Forget that you can not do something or you do not know something, move forward and try to become better.


In some cases, a well-controlled sense of anger can help you overcome difficulties. Sometimes anger helps you keep focus, but sometimes it turns into cruelty, and then the situation becomes a problem. Learn to notice your anger, look for ways to deal with it. Remember, you should always try to act wisely and wisely. You have to watch what image you show when experiencing anger.


The feeling of envy does not make anyone happier. In addition, it causes suffering and your loved ones. You can not put up with the successes of other people, which causes you bitterness and prevents you from coping with the joy of others. Understand what distinguishes you among others, learn to dream and visualize your dreams.


Fear that you have not learned to cope with can ruin your life. If you understand the cause of fear, you can eliminate it and get rid of discomfort. Just imagine what might happen to you in the worst case. Think about how you deal with this situation. In that case, you can transform fear into an action plan.


If you are constantly worried and afraid to look ridiculous, maybe there is a fear of loneliness in you. Shame paralyzes and does not allow you to strive for the goal. It is important to remember that people who try to humiliate you, act in this way only because of their own insecurities. Learn to laugh at your mistakes and remember: a slip does not make you loser.

Severe Depression

This is one of the most dangerous situations that you may encounter. A strong depression changes your mood and your psyche, affecting all areas of your life. You may start to think that life just does not make sense. Try to start changing your perception of yourself. Learn to think and talk about positive things. Understand that the mistakes of the past are the soil for your personal growth. Stay away from people who can not support and only injure.


This emotion is similar to some others in the list. Remember that you do not live to please others. Your most important value is self-esteem. You must control your life yourself. To get rid of frustration, focus on your achievements, allow yourself to make mistakes and do not give up.

Chronic pain or sadness

If you do not know how to cope with the loss of a loved one or another major tragedy in life, you realize that you are in a vicious circle. You can not regain control of your own life. No one can understand what you are feeling. This is a pain that is difficult to understand. Nevertheless, one has to cope with pain in order to recover, so do not suppress your emotions. Try to share them with loved ones. Learn to forget and forgive. This is the only way to close the door to the past, move on and plan your future.

Constant tears

Sometimes crying is good for health. If you are constantly sobbing and this is your only reaction to any problem, your situation can become serious. You need to understand that tears never help to solve problems. Try to transform tears: allow yourself to cry with happiness, with joy.


It is necessary to distinguish between real guilt, for example, after breaking the law, and toxic, arising from some emotional events. If you are really to blame, apologize and move on. This means that you are able to take responsibility for your actions. You learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.


Denial has a negative effect on your ability to cope with difficulties. You begin to suffer pain, you can not accept yourself. Your emotions are poisoned. To cope with the denial of yourself, learn to love yourself. Remember that each person is unique and special.


Jealousy is directly related to your fear of losing someone. It is normal to take care of a loved one and sometimes feel a pinch of jealousy, but the situation goes out of control if you start to threaten and control. To overcome jealousy, remember that it is important to respect your partner. If you do not respect him, your relationship will be destroyed.

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