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10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day

When was the last time you read a book or even a serious journal article? Or is your daily reading limited only to tweets, updates to the Facebook page and the study of the composition on a bag of oatmeal? If you belong to the huge number of people who do not have the habit of reading regularly, you can miss a lot in your life. If someone wanted to list all the benefits of reading, then one more book would turn out. Therefore, only the most important of them are listed here.

Stimulation of the brain

Studies have shown that daily brain stimulation can slow or even completely prevent problems such as Alzheimer's. The fact is that everyday stimulation promotes brain activity. Like the muscles in the human body, the brain needs constant exercises. The phrase "use or lose" is the best fit in this situation. To stimulate cognitive functions, games such as puzzles or chess were also useful.

Reducing Stress

No matter what your problems are at work, in your personal or everyday life, you can always forget about them for a while and relax. To do this, you just need to open a good book and get carried away with a new story. A talented novel will help you to move to another country, time or other worlds. At the same time, the article in the magazine will always return you to the present, allow you to relax and get rid of stress and stress.


Everything that you have ever read remains in your memory, and you never know when exactly this or that information will come in handy. The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be to cope with any problem that may appear in the future.

In addition, remember: you can find yourself in a difficult situation, without money and family, lose your job and money, but knowledge is something that will always remain with you.

Increase vocabulary

This advantage is due to the previous one. The more you read, the more new words you learn, and gradually begin to use them in everyday communication. Ability to clearly and competently speak out is a good help in any modern profession, and the fact that you can confidently talk with other people, including with the authorities - this is an additional reason to respect yourself. In addition, the ability to speak correctly can help you in moving up the career ladder. After all, a well-read, educated person with a good vocabulary is always valued more than one who has no idea what literature, scientific achievements and important events of human history are.

The process of reading is very important when studying foreign languages. Using it you can understand how to use unfamiliar words in context, and it is very important to speak fluently and write.

Improving memory

When you read a book, you need to remember all the characters, their origins, ambitions, history and other nuances, and also to distinguish other, less important participants that are sure to be present in any story. Our brain is arranged quite interestingly, and it can be relatively easy to remember everything, even the smallest details. Surprisingly, every new recollection creates new impulses in our brain and strengthens existing ones. This not only develops short-term memory, but also helps to improve mood.

Improving analytical thinking skills

Reading an amazing mystical thriller, have you ever eaten to solve the mystery yourself, before you finish reading? If so, you could make critical and analytical thinking work, so much so that you do not lose sight of all the details, provide for their combinations and determine "who did it."

This ability to analyze the situation is very convenient when it comes to criticizing the plot. Was it designed skillfully enough, how convincing are the characters? If you ever have to discuss a book with others, you will be able to articulate your opinion, because you will have enough practice to discuss all the related aspects of what you read.

Improve attention and concentration

In our crazy world of online opportunities, a person's attention is dissipated into thousands of things at once. For example, a modern person can simultaneously work, correspond with someone, check e-mail, follow "Twitter", check the smartphone and at the same time communicate with colleagues. This behavior only increases the level of stress, while reducing labor productivity.

When you read a book, you concentrate only on it, and the rest of the world simply ceases to exist. Try to read for 15-20 minutes before work and you will be surprised how much your level of attention and concentration in the office will increase.

Improving writing skills

It's no secret that reading a well-written published book has a positive impact on one's own style in writing. The style of writing other authors is of great importance for the formation of their own style. Following the example of how musicians influence each other, and artists use the methods of their colleagues, so writers learn how to use the word, reading works of other masters.


In addition to the relaxation that is always accompanied by reading a book, it is possible that what you read will lead to inner peace and tranquility. Scientists have proved that reading spiritual texts can lead to lowering of blood pressure, while self-taught books can help people suffering from mental illnesses or ordinary bad mood.

Free entertainment

Surely many would like to buy books, but it's no secret that they can be quite expensive. To rectify this situation is simple: it is enough to visit the library. Countless volumes of most writers are available there for free. The library has books on all sorts of topics, and as long as they replenish their funds with new publications, you will never get tired of the available reading materials.

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