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Severe sweating: causes, treatment and prevention

Sweating is a physiological natural process that takes place in the human body. Its main function is to maintain normal body temperature and, of course, protection against overheating. Any healthy person can face increased sweating during sunny weather, with violent excitement or after physical activity. However, sometimes a strong sweating in men becomes a real problem and causes a feeling of discomfort. It is for this reason that you need to know how to deal with this problem.

Pathological sweating: what it is?

Pathological sweating is a disease when a strong sweating appears for no apparent reason. Also this is called hyperhidrosis. He brings a huge moral and physical discomfort to a person, and sometimes even can cause social problems.

Several types of hyperhidrosis can be distinguished:

  • Primary sweating. It is about when the cause can not be found.
  • Secondary sweating. It is expressed as a symptom of a more serious illness. If problems with the body disappear, the symptom also disappears.
  • Local sweating. Affects certain areas of the body. For example, only on the head or only on the armpits.
  • General sweating. In this case, then the entire body is covered.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Why can sweating occur in women? The reasons can be different. The most common are the following:

  • Sweating can be a symptom of a person suffering from an infectious disease. For example, it could be tuberculosis, thyroid problems or diabetes mellitus.
  • Kidney disease. In this situation, the process of urine formation and filtration is difficult, so the body simply has to remove excess water by sweat glands.
  • Obesity can also cause hyperhidrosis. Especially bright it is expressed in the summer period of time.
  • Nervous excitability of a person is increased. Any stresses, fears or feelings can lead to the fact that sweat will be allocated more than usual.
  • Heredity (refers to a local sweating).
  • If excessive sweating in women has been seen in the area of the feet, the causes can be hidden in skin diseases (eg, fungal infections).


Drug treatment with excessive sweating can only be prescribed by your doctor, after all tests have been taken and a complete examination of the body is carried out . For example, with constant increased nervous excitability, sedatives are prescribed. Iontophoresis will help to solve the problem for several weeks. If after this a strong sweating again begins to bother, the procedure can be repeated.

In some cases, Botox injections are prescribed. They reduce sweating for a longer period, about half a year.

Patients with obesity in rare cases, the attending physician can prescribe a local liposuction. If you have sweated body, then sign up for a consultation with a doctor, so that he can identify the cause of the problem, analyze the situation and prescribe the treatment based on his findings.

Chamomile infusion with hyperhidrosis

Chamomile is a universal medicinal plant. Infusion based on these flowers is used in many diseases. Chamomile is also used if a person suffers because sweating is increased throughout the body or in certain parts of it.

Dry chamomile can be purchased at any pharmacy. Six tablespoons of the plant are brewed with two liters of boiling water in a convenient container. Tightly cover the liquid with a lid and let stand for about 1 hour. Wait for a while, until it cools down, and strain the infusion. After that, add two tablespoons of soda and mix well. Folk remedy against sweating is ready. Wipe the resulting problem areas with a cotton swab as often as possible. The only drawback of this remedy is that the next day it already loses all its medicinal properties, so everything will have to be prepared again.

Infusion of horsetail with hyperhidrosis

Infusion prepared on the basis of horsetail is an excellent remedy for sweating, which can be cooked at home without much effort.

Buy regular vodka in the store. It is very important: it should not be alcohol, vodka. One tablespoon of horsetail will need 10 spoonfuls of vodka. Based on these proportions, prepare yourself as much infusion as you want.

Before applying the liquid, it is necessary to give a stand in a dark place for at least 2-3 days. Periodically shake the container so that no precipitate forms. When everything is ready, lubricate the places where sweating is increased, several times a day.

However, too zealous, it is not necessary that there is no redness.

Infusion of walnut leaves with hyperhidrosis

Spirituous tincture of a walnut can help you in struggle against such problem, as a strong sweating.

For cooking, you need dried walnut leaves. They can be collected and cooked independently or purchased ready-made herb in the pharmacy. In any case, the result will be effective.

Prepare a convenient container in which to mix dry walnut leaves and vodka (proportion 1:10). Then find in the house the darkest, dryest and warmest place and place the remedy to stand for a week.

When the infusion is ready, you can begin to apply it in the fight against excessive sweating. Just every day in the mornings and before going to bed, wipe the most problematic places with the resulting liquid.

Branches of pine - an effective remedy for excessive sweating

Strong sweating is not a verdict. Of course, this problem causes a person to experience discomfort and a lot of other unpleasant sensations, but do not give up. You can always find a solution. If you have a pine near the house, be sure to collect her young branches. Then they need to be well stewed in a water bath. This is done very simply:

  • Take a large pot, half fill it with water and bring it to a boil;
  • We reduce the gas, we put a smaller pan inside, where there are pine branches and a small amount of water;
  • Leave the branches to languish for about half an hour on a water bath.

The remedy for sweating will be ready after it has cooled. Use steamed pine branches for compresses of the most problematic areas. After several procedures, a strong sweating will not be so disturbing. The main thing, do not forget to do compresses every day before going to bed.

Nutrition for hyperhidrosis

Malnutrition can also cause excessive sweating. If this problem is familiar to you, then it's time to reconsider your daily diet.

Particular attention should be paid to products that contain vitamin C. It can be found more in citrus fruits, sauerkraut or horseradish. But before using them, make sure that you are not predisposed to allergies to these products.

A lot of tests have been performed, which proved that vitamin C is able to normalize the work of sweat glands. And this means that a strong sweating will eventually pass, and you will forget that you once experienced it.

Useful tips and prevention of hyperhidrosis

  • Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, take a shower at least twice a day. At a sweating it is recommended to use tar soap. If you are going to apply antiperspirant to the axillary zone, then you need to do this only on clean skin. No remedy for sweating will give a result in case of incorrect application.
  • Particularly carefully approach the selection of clothing and underwear. You can not wear things from synthetic fabric for the reason that they will only increase the allocation of sweat. Give preference to natural materials. Shine this also applies: forget about artificial skin.
  • To a strong sweating ceased to disturb, exclude from the diet too spicy food and seasonings. It is proved that cumin, garlic, fish and some other products not only increase sweating, but also give it a more pungent smell.

Now you know what a sweating is. Causes, treatment and prevention are known to you, but do not forget that you need to contact your doctor in a timely manner. Use useful advice and folk recipes presented above - and such a problem as hyperhidrosis, will never get in your way.

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