
Psychology of relations

How much is said about what love means. How colorful the writers talk about it and how emotionally it looks from the TV screens. But does this unconditional love exist and to what extent is it present in the relationship? We expect stability and confidence from marriage, but at the present time divorce cases and single mothers are raising children more and more often. Who is to blame, of course, the first thing that either side says is that it is not his fault. And, as a rule, the cause of divorce is a lack of understanding of each other and as a result of disrespect, then betrayals and all this is intertwined in one big com, which is simply not in a state to unravel independently.

Women, and men, too, to no small degree, begin to go to extremes and turn to magicians and crows, in the hope of a miracle of change in their family. Instead of just trying to figure out the true cause of the problems. And the problem is on the surface - by nature, a man and a woman have a different worldview and this is the psychology of relations, from here misunderstanding and therefore our desire to somehow influence a person through our worldview does not work.

I propose to understand the basis of male psychology, which will help a woman create a strong family and a grateful husband. After all, so rarely women try to understand a man, respectively, and the man does not hurry to understand the desires of his half. Here we live in a world where everyone pulls a blanket over himself.

And so - how to keep a man , or rather how to preserve the feelings that connected you initially. Think about what is the basis of not only love, but also a strong family. Respect, trust, support and, of course, the ability to forgive.

Make sure that respect is always on the level. If you do not like something, tell your partner about it, but do not aggravate it. Add to your life a little humor and then you both will live easier. Trust your man, because he chose you and you are the best woman for him . Do not insult him with your mistrust. The ability to forgive is very important, the relationship between two people is not possible without quarrels and misunderstandings, but you agree that you are wrong, and it is important for you to be forgiven and everything was as before, just as for your man, realizing his mistake, he accurately repents. Accustom yourself, that any of your quarrels remain in the past and do not remember about it in the future. Be patient and condescending to each other.

It is also worth remembering about such an important part of the relationship as jealousy, so people are arranged that from the very birth we tend to feel jealousy. We experience feelings of rivalry, first we fight for the attention of our mother and our rival father. Then, if we have a brother or sister rivalry goes into a somewhat different form. But the very feeling of jealousy and continues to persist in our lives. And then, as our childhood passes, it shapes our relationships in adulthood, namely, such a part of it as a manifestation of jealousy. You can trust, but still continue to be jealous of your man. After all, jealousy is the fear of losing the source of attention from the dearly loved person.

As you can see, this psychology of relations is not so terrible. Adhere to these simple tips and you will be guaranteed a strong family.

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