Spiritual developmentMystic

Priests are a special caste

In primitive tribes, priests are people who talked with spirits. Since all the unknown and incomprehensible people were frightening, he endowed objects and phenomena with the Divine essence. With her something the Priest entered into relations with the purpose of "persuading" the terrible phenomenon not to harm the members of the tribe. With the development of culture, the functions of the priests became more complicated. Subsequently, not only simple negotiations became their main duty.

Egyptian priests

This is already a closed caste, an interlayer in society, possessing not only knowledge, but also enormous privileges. In Ancient Egypt, priests are mediators who are able to communicate directly with the Gods. But their functions were not confined to service alone. The priests were the keepers of many mysteries unknown to the common man. All the knowledge of Egyptian civilization was hidden in the chambers of the priests. They had the opportunity to create almost miracles, using sacred objects. The origin of these skills is still unknown. Esotericists believe that the Egyptian priests received knowledge directly from the information field of the earth, which, by the way, is still unattainable for modern science. It is proved that in this country before electricity was known electricity. To explain this phenomenon so far no one can. The knowledge of the priests was so diverse and profound that they admire and amaze the modern man.

Iranian closed caste

Atgarval - the so-called society of priests in this ancient country. And in modern Iran there are followers of the custodians of secret knowledge. Now they are called mages, but they came from the caste of fire-worshiping priests. Their capabilities are enormous, but they are based on knowledge that modern science does not recognize. For Iran, priests are people with superpowers.

Servants of the temples of Ancient Greece

This long-standing civilization is also rich in closed castes. But here the cult of the priesthood acquires a different character. Ancient Greece is known for the huge pantheon of the Gods, it was on the service to them that she created her civilization. Here the priests are the mediators between the population and the deities. They were called to convey the requests of people and receive answers to them, intercede with the Supreme Being for sinners and so on. The priest could only be for life. They were found at the temple for the means that the population was obliged to transfer to it. The existence of the priest was considered enviable, since he was spared from heavy rural labor. Each family had to send the firstborn to serve the Higher. In this case, the female Goddesses (priestesses) were intended for the Goddesses, the Gods for the male. Priests and other temple workers were taught to sing, dance, conduct scholarly conversations. Some received more serious education and subsequently became mentors.

Priests of Ancient Rome

Here the caste is directly connected with the sacrifice. It appeared after the abolition of the tsarist institute. The priests were first elected, then this position was inherited by sons. Above all servants of the gods were punishers - pontifexes. They are called to observe their activities, and punish, if the priest stumbled. Over time, the emperor granted himself the right to appoint servants of deities.

So, the priests are a caste of the elect, inherent in almost every ancient civilization. Their main purpose was to communicate with the Higher Forces, an additional - the collection of analysis and storage of secret knowledge.

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