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How to make the start page of Yandex and why is it needed?

We live in an age when information decides everything, because it's not for nothing that they say that the owner of information is considered to own the whole world. Today we are spoiled by the availability of any information, in huge quantities available on the Internet, and we do not even need to think about how to sort this information and find the one we need - for us all will make smart search engines that will create their own Personal databases, which will indicate the correspondence of different pages to different search queries. The most famous and often used search engine in Russia and the CIS countries, of course, is the Yandex system, which besides search engine functions offers many others. That's why more and more people are wondering how to make Yandex the starting page.

And for what, in fact, to make the start page of Yandex? Yes, in order to save your time elementary. After all, in the vast majority of cases, when we go to the Internet, we do not dial the site address known to us, but in the beginning we still address the search engine. Thus, a huge number of users first of all dials the address of the site Yandex in the browser line. There is a logical and very logical question: why every time you enter the same thing in the address bar if you can set the search engine as your home page? After all, then it will be loaded automatically when the browser starts, which means that the user will get rid of the need to do the same work each time, taking time. Skeptics will argue that the fact that typing the address of the search engine will take only two seconds. But let's count: let the user go to the Internet five times a day and each time type the address of the search engine. Thus, he spends ten seconds a day on the search engine's address set. For 365 days, we get 3650 seconds, that is one hour and fifty seconds of life, wasted! Is it not a pity to aimlessly lost time, especially if it is possible to easily solve this problem, just once setting the search engine home page? That's why every self-respecting Internet user who appreciates his time should know how to make Yandex the starting page in the Mazil and other browsers often used at home and at work.

So, how to make the start page of Yandex? To do this, there are several ways: the first and the easiest - click on the "make a starting page" on the main page of the search engine, but this solution is not possible for all browsers, because some browsers for children do not support the possibility of automatically establishing a home page in order to provide users. Therefore, we need to use the second method, although it starts exactly like the first one - press "make the home page" on the main page, but the system will determine the type of your browser and give you the necessary configuration, by using which you set Yandex to As the home page of the page.

For some browsers, the third way is to register the address of the home page through the properties of the browser shortcut, but this method is considered obsolete and most manufacturers no longer build such a feature in their browsers. So, as you can see, there are at least three ways to make Yandex the starting page, but the second one is the most popular.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand how to make Yandex the starting page, and you will not have any more questions about this. Successful use of your browser and Yandex as a start page!

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