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Colpitis in pregnancy: symptoms, danger, diagnosis and treatment

Quite often in pregnant women there is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - colpitis. This disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and can also harm the mother and baby.

Because of the change in the hormonal background and the decrease in the protective functions of the body, colpitis occurs more frequently in pregnant women than in women who do not expect replenishment. It can be specific, that is, caused by microorganisms, which should not be in the vagina. These include chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococcus and others.

But more often there is a nonspecific colpitis in pregnancy, the cause of which is a conditionally pathogenic flora. These are mushrooms, gardnerellas, cocci and others. They are normally present in the vagina in a small amount. However, under certain conditions, their number begins to increase dramatically, and they contribute to the onset of inflammation. The cause may be hypothermia, poor personal hygiene, reduced immunity and so on.

When itching, burning, redness in the genital area, discharge with an unpleasant odor, you can suspect colpitis during pregnancy, which is most often candida. However, it must be taken into account that not always the presence of such symptoms indicates a thrush. Sometimes it can be a more formidable infection.

In order to determine which microorganism caused colpitis during pregnancy, you should visit a doctor and take tests. The doctor will definitely take a smear on the flora - this is a simple and very informative analysis.

He surrenders three times during the bearing of the baby, if there is no special indication. It is taken at registration, at 7 months and several weeks before the expected delivery. In order for the results to be reliable, it is necessary not to urinate for 2 hours before taking the test and not to douche within 24 hours, and not to live a sexual life.

When examining a vaginal smear, determine the amount of flat epithelium, leukocytes, rods, cocci, trichomonads and gonococci. Also it allows to reveal mushrooms, key cells, gardnerelles.

The main indicator for the diagnosis of colpitis are leukocytes. Normally, their number should not exceed 10 in the field of view. If there are more, then it speaks of inflammation.

A smear on the flora can diagnose colpitis, however, it does not always make it possible to identify the pathogen. For this, crops and DNA diagnostics are done.

Most often, to determine which microorganism caused colpitis in pregnancy, do an analysis of the pathogenic microflora with an antibioticogram. It is performed for at least a week, but it allows to determine the number of microorganisms and the drugs acting on them. If a specific colpitis is suspected, then first use highly sensitive DNA-diagnostics, and then sowing.

In any case, self-medication is not allowed, only a doctor should prescribe medicines based on the results of the tests, the gestation period and the patient's well-being. The fact is that many drugs can not be used when carrying a baby, and therefore special attention is paid to local treatment.

Often it is necessary to use harmless, but ineffective drugs. Therefore, the earlier a woman turns to a doctor, the sooner she will be cured. If the disease is started, then it will go into a chronic form, and it is much harder to fight with it.

A colpitis during pregnancy can complicate the process of childbirth, as the walls of the vagina become loose and easily tear, causing bleeding. In addition, when a baby is born, a baby can become infected, but infection can occur in the womb. Colpitis often leads to premature birth, polyhydramnios.

Thus, if you have colpitis symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor, take tests and be treated. Do not self-medicate or ignore the problem, as this can lead to the loss of the baby and problem childbirth.

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