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Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound: description of the breed, photo

In the books you have seen more than once a large breed of dogs with photos. Today we will talk about one of them. It's about the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound. What kind of dogs are these? Are they large or not? How do they look? To these questions you will know the answers, if you read the entire article.

It is possible that you even met such large dogs somewhere. Breeds, the name of which you might not know, interested you, and you decided to learn more about these unusual dogs.

Description of the dog

The Mongolian wolfhound is the most famous guard dog in Central Asia, Tibet and, naturally, in Mongolia. True, this breed is not recognized by FCI. On the territory of the above states, the dog is revered as a sacred animal of Tibetan lamas.

It is considered long ago that such dogs accompanied the dead in the last way, protecting them from evil. Sometimes a dog is called a four-eye. Why? Because of the bizarre color around the eyes: in place of the eyebrows like another pair of eyes, only not black, but red.

Mongolian large dogs

Breeds, whose name, perhaps, does not say anything to Russian amateur breeders, is in fact widely known among cynologists around the world. This wolfhound is not very common in the world, but among the inhabitants of Mongolia these dogs are very popular. To breed, the genotype of the Mongolian sheepdog was used. And to this day, studies of specialists regarding this variety of dogs have not been completed.

However, without this it is clear that the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound whose photo you see in this article has many good qualities that are not inferior to popular breeds.

This dog is independent, although faithful to its owner, clearly fulfills his orders. The Mongolian wolfhound has a specific character: the dog likes to be in contact with people, while not favoring those who are not part of the familiar environment. The dog is perfectly capable of learning, well learns commands, is able to protect both property and the owner. To save something or someone, the dog can use his teeth, although this happens very rarely, since a representative of this breed prefers only to detain the intruder before the owner comes to figure out what to do with it.

Usually such a dog is not the first to attack dogs, let alone people.

Despite the fact that the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound has a responsible and serious nature, he does not mind having fun playing with family members.

Such dogs like to swim in ponds, are excellent swimmers. Periodically, a wolfhound requires a little attention from the owner. In such periods the dog can behave like a small puppy.


By standard, this dog is considered large. The average male of this breed reaches 75 cm at the withers. The females are about the same, you rarely see a bitch below 65 cm. The weight of a representative of the breed can reach seventy five kilograms.

The inhabitants of Mongolia often call these dogs "hotosho" (yard wolf). Despite the fact that such a dog of impressive size, his psyche is balanced.

The representatives of the breed and the body and head are broad, very massive. Muzzle well planted. Withers and deep breasts are two distinct features of the breed. The limbs of such a dog are powerful and muscular, like the trunk. The coat is dense, there is an undercoat (also thick).

Advantage of the breed is that the hairline of such a dog has water repellent properties. If the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound just emerged from the water a few times, it will turn out to be almost dry. Another advantage of the breed is that the wool of the representatives is not going to the coils. Thanks to this for these dogs a little easier to care for.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is of different colors: brown, black-tan, wolf and red with white marks.

Characteristics of the nature of the breed

Describing the appearance of such a dog, we turn to the nature. Not for nothing such large dogs have received the second name "yard wolves". The dog of this breed is very attached to the house. If you read the reviews of the Mongolian wolfhound, it immediately becomes clear that such a dog loves equally its owner and all members of his family.

Although during the choice between the owner and someone else, the dog, of course, will choose the first one.

Puppies Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound can perform some commands. From an early age you need to drive such a dog all over the farm, so that the kid at such a young age realized that he would need to be protected in the future.

Representatives of this breed accurately distinguish animals from their own and foreign territory. If you keep a dog in the yard, then you know that she can ask for your house. At the same time, such a dog will try to behave well, so that no one is embarrassed by their presence. He will find a quiet quiet place for himself. Note that the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound will never try to drive any other animal off the couch or rug.

Such a dog respects the owner, but he will not allow yelling or misconduct in relation to his person. Do not think that the dog will snap or rush at the master, she will act differently. Wolfhound simply will show his donkey stubbornness, achieving the desired until the last, ignoring any orders.

This kind of situation is more a rarity than a rule. The head of the family, with proper treatment, the Mongolian wolfhound will unquestioningly listen. And the dog will be true, of course, to other family members, even to children.

Although in relation to the child, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound (photo above), can show special ingenuity. After all, kids can not always objectively assess the safety of their own actions, so this dog can be attached as a guard even to the most inveterate tomboy.

For example, if the child goes into the water deeper than the laid, the wolfhound will push the baby to the shore. Note that at this time he can not be stopped either by the orders of the child or by shouts. And, of course, it will not be difficult for him to pull a drowning child out of the water. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the representatives of this breed are excellent nannies for children of any age.

Note that such dogs have an excellent sense of humor, so they periodically play their owners. Also, we can not say that the breed is perfect for country houses. Such a dog will be an excellent watchman. He will be able to guard the house and territory when you are absent.

Extremely curious such a dog at any age, both in puppy and in adulthood. Leveraging dog, most likely, he will perceive not as an enemy, but as an object for study.

Maintenance and care of the breed

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound does not require special care. Since the dog has thick hair, the pet needs to be combed periodically so that it has a well-groomed appearance. In addition, combing helps the animal get rid of excess hair during the moult period.

These large dogs are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. They are not afraid of severe frosts. But if you plan to keep such a dog on the street, you need to make him a booth to protect against rain.

Features of feeding of such dogs

A dog is unpretentious even in food. Representatives of the breed are omnivorous, but they, like other dogs, require a balanced diet.

This is especially necessary in the first three to four years of the dog's life. It was at this time that the exterior of the dog formed. If the food is wrong, then the animal can develop dysplasia.

Certainly, that such a dog can be fed and ready-made food (preferably taking a premium class). Although experts came to the conclusion that the composition of the Mongolian wolfhound is best suited products of the brand "Nyutro Choise."

Additives for full development

If you plan to feed such a dog with natural food, then, of course, you need to think about vitamin-mineral supplements. Now there is a large selection of such products. What to choose? There is a special vitaminized complex called "8 in 1". This additive is produced for dogs of different ages and sizes. For Buryat such a complex is just right. Although this issue can additionally consult a veterinarian.

The rate of physical activity for this dog

Note that for health such a dog needs regular, and increased loads. If the muscles of the Mongolian wolfhound do not receive such training, then the dog, however well fed it, will still remain frail, sick. In addition, lack of mobility can affect the change in the character of the dog for the worse. Therefore, experts advise such a dog to keep in the yard, so that he has the opportunity to run, jump, chase after somebody.

The Mongolian wolfhound does not fall into the category of those dogs that travel around the exhibitions. Note that it does not differ in any external features. But he is a reliable friend, who can be trusted not only with the protection of property, but also with the care of children. If you will treat this dog well and with love, then it will be devoted to you wholeheartedly.

Price for one breed representative

How much does the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound cost? The average price is forty thousand rubles for the puppy, although it all depends on the region in which you buy it. Also, the final cost is affected by how famous are the parents of the puppy.

A small conclusion

Whatever breed of dog you choose, whether it's a Mongolian wolfhound or anyone else, you need the main thing - to take into account when raising a dog the characteristics of its breed. In simple terms, you do not need to make a hunting dog out of a guard dog. Allow the animal to realize its natural qualities, and it will reward you with faithful service.

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